If you believe you have received a defective product, please let us know immediately. We must receive notice of your claim within 5 business days of your receipt of our product. In order to ascertain where any mistake was made, we may require the following:
1. Digital pictures of any damage or defect, or
2. Return of all defective labels, or
3. A photograph showing the defective labels destroyed (cut up)
If we determine our product was defective, then we will replace the defective labels at no charge to you. We do not offer cash refunds once we have started printing your project. Please note that while we make every effort to meet your project requirements exactly, there are always degrees of tolerance with production equipment. Labels might be slightly off center on a roll, or an oval might be cut 1/16” off-center. These are beyond our control and are the reason we ask for bleed on your artwork, etc. If an alleged “defect” is within an acceptable level of tolerance, we will not replace the labels.